Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS)

Our mission is to be a partner with our members to fulfill the promise of a secure retirement.


PSEA Notice of Data Security Incident - July 2024

The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) experienced a cyberattack in July 2024. PSEA sent notices to impacted individuals. PSEA can be contacted at 717.255.7000.

PSERS accounts remain secure. If you have questions regarding your PSERS account, contact PSERS directly. 

Since 1917, PSERS has been serving the public school employees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The number of individuals we serve has grown from 37,000 in 1919 to more than 500,000 today.   

New to PSERS?

For over 100 years, PSERS has provided secure retirement benefits for millions of public school employees. It's time for you to start your own retirement journey!

Leaving public school employment?

As you plan to leave school employment, learn about the options and benefits available to you.